Our DLT Vision: (draft):

Digital Learning at IPS will be irresistibly engaging for students and teachers across all learning areas and domains. Our students will become innovative and confident users of digital technologies, using technology to communicate, collaborate, curate and create, while fostering higher order thinking skills and real-life problem solving. (IPS Vision Committee)

To achieve the school’s vision of increased hardware, better access for teacher professional development and greater technical support requires substantial financial commitment. Government funding is insufficient to permit the realisation of the school’s vision. In 2017 the school will ask parents to pay a DLT co-contribution to enable the progression of the school’s vision. Anyone who has visited a classroom, attended the cyber safety evening and or the impressive innovation day can see that community support is vital to continue this great work that directly benefits every student.

Innovation Day

Initial feedback from parents, staff and students on Innovation Day indicate that the event was a tremendous success. Approximately 200 community members visited our school and engaged with the program. I’d like to thank all staff for their enthusiasm and their professional approach to ensuring the morning sessions ran well.

Please click here to view some photos of the day